We partner with Savvy Tinkers to create, fund, and build high growth B2B SaaS startups.

SAVVY TINKERS \ˈsa-vē ˈtiŋ-kər \

Having or showing perception, comprehension, or shrewdness, especially in practical business matters with a drive to build, drive growth, and make things.

Common Traits:

  1. Over a decade of professional experience

  2. Robust network in the industry

  3. Built teams, and products, and delivered substantial value

  4. Learned from failures

Synonym: Experienced Professionals

Experienced Professionals over 40 are 2x as successful as younger founders in building high growth startups.

And have 2.25x higher exit rates when building a company in an industry they know.

What We Do

Savvy Tinkers Studio believes that there is an amazing amount of untapped entrepreneurial talent stuck in corporate jobs yearning for a way out to build a company. As an experienced professional you have delivered incredible value for your employer often fighting against the bureaucracy that limits your success. Along the way, you built deep industry knowledge and a robust network. These assets are incredibly valuable in launching a company. But there is something holding you back. This is where Savvy Tinkers comes in.

Partner with us as an Entrepreneur-In-Residence (EIR) to step into your own as a founder of your company. We help you move forward by joining you as cofounders, bringing a team, funding, and an established company creation process. Our EIR program provides 18 months of hands-on support and all the resources you need to successfully build a high-growth startup.

Our program is tailored to senior-level professionals with at least a decade of experience in their industries who want support in managing the challenges of early-stage venture creation. With us, you will have:

Who We Work With

entrepreneurs at a laptop

Professionals with 10+ years of experience and 3+ years of industry experience relevant to your startup opportunity

people networking

Strong network in relevant industry

professional individuals creating an entrepreneurship

Track record of intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship

smiling successful entrepreneur

Strategic and tactical leadership ability

Value Added by Design

  • Once we partner with a founder, we focus intensely on identifying and validating an opportunity worth pursuing. This begins with our Anti-Bias Customer Discovery (ABCD) process designed to gather meaningful qualitative data from customers and build a meaningful product-market fit. As data is collected our Venture Design Tool is used to validate the market opportunity quantitatively and the strategy laid out for the company's creation makes sense. Once an opportunity has been validated, we leverage proven methodologies to quickly build the company and begin generating revenue.

  • It all starts with the right person. Not everyone is a good fit for the founder role in high-growth entrepreneurship. Founders must have the determination to push through obstacles, the flexibility to modify strategy on the fly, the imagination to come up with new ways of solving problems, coachability, and the ability to work well with others and still lead them. We use a data-backed entrepreneurial leadership assessment that has been used to evaluate and coach high-performing entrepreneurial teams for over 15 years. Our goal is to understand the unique abilities and gaps of potential EIRs, how our team can fill those gaps, and how good a fit there is to partner with us as an EIR and build a company together.

    Want to find out how well you fit the founder role? Reach out to us today.
    Opportunity evaluation results are shared with every applicant.

  • Customer discovery is one of the most powerful tools for identifying a problem worth solving and designing a solution that fits the buyer and market. But there is a problem with customer discovery. One that we can’t escape but can moderate. The fact that people and our cognitive biases are at the center of customer discovery. Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts we all take that can lead to misjudgments, especially when something is new or novel. With these fundamental problems, it should come as no surprise that 75% of the CB Insights Top 20 reasons startups fail can be strongly influenced by cognitive biases, the customers, founders, and investors. Cognitive errors such as:

    • Our memory is often unreliable. Eyewitness testimony is often unreliable at best. Which is the customer’s story.
    • We are poor predictors of our own behavior.
    • We look for proof we are right and ignore everything that does not fit our own narrative.
    • We read situations wrong. Which become our facts creating unreliable foundations.

    Our Anti-Bias Customer Discovery process improves qualitative insights generated and interpreted from customer conversations so we can build businesses based on a solid foundation. We directly counter many cognitive biases through the use of a rigorous process, principles of operation, and tools designed to identify and control the impact of cognitive bias. At times this means minimizing how strongly biases are triggered, which biases may be triggered, and applying targeted biases with intention. This allows us to see the complex reality for what it is and design a solution for the real world.

  • Every early-stage investment has a myriad of considerations, risks, and dynamics to keep straight—but only a small number of them matter. We apply a Venture Design Tool to simplify the complex problem of early-stage opportunity evaluation, focusing attention on what matters most and allowing founding teams to ignore immaterial factors with confidence. We accomplish this by leveraging decision analysis as a design framework (principles, processes, and tools) for making high-quality decisions that marries the art and science of decision-making through a disciplined process that drives high-quality conversations leading to clarity of action.

    • What factors impact the value of a venture and by what magnitude
    • What are the major risks that should be moderated
    • What set of factors do we need to improve to maximize potential value and success

    Our framework follows anti-bias principles but does not ignore intuition, pattern matching, or judgment: these are the foundations upon which strategic new venture decisions are made and how our intuition can be validated through data. Our Venture Design Tool naturally improves over time, building on a knowledge base that grows each time we evaluate a company and add to our set of benchmark data. Decision analysis can and does provide a structure that guides our venture design intuition, guides decision, and focuses Anti-Bias Customer Discovery to further improve the model.


About Us

We are Savvy Tinkers ourselves, building the answer to the problem we have experienced directly – the lack of support for experienced professionals in the startup ecosystem.